Во время выездного рабочего совещания губернатора Александра Беглова и сотрудников «Дома-интерната для детей с отклонениями в умственном развитии №4», расположенного в Павловске, на обсуждение вынесли вопросы подхода к сопровождению детей с особенностями. Об этом сообщили в правительстве Северной столицы.
The main conceptual idea is "support throughout life" for children with intellectual disabilities.
This is being implemented in St. Petersburg through several initiatives:
* Pilot projects: A pilot project at "Dom-internat for children with developmental disabilities №4" in Pavlovsk offers five- and seven-day stays for children, showcasing positive health benefits.
* Specialized Center "Together": This center provides support and resources to parents caring for children with disabilities.
* "Dom здоровья" (House of Health): A new facility offering physical therapy, hydrotherapy, and other medical services to children with developmental disabilities.
The overall aim is to create a system that provides comprehensive care and support for children with special needs across their lifespan.
The main conceptual idea is "support throughout life" for children with intellectual disabilities. This is being implemented in St. Petersburg through several initiatives: * Pilot projects: A pilot project at "Dom-internat for children with developmental disabilities №4" in Pavlovsk offers five- and seven-day stays for children, showcasing positive health benefits. * Specialized Center "Together": This center provides support and resources to parents caring for children with disabilities. * "Dom здоровья" (House of Health): A new facility offering physical therapy, hydrotherapy, and other medical services to children with developmental disabilities. The overall aim is to create a system that provides comprehensive care and support for children with special needs across their lifespan.